The Zion Passion

Zion House of Prayer is FULLY GIVEN to…



SAYING YES! to following Jesus radically (DISCIPLESHIP)…

WHAT we BELIEVE makes us WHO we are in PRAXIS!


… we pursue INTIMACY (Psalm 27.4)

This ONE THING is our foundation! We are CAPTIVATED by His beauty – we want to EXPERIENCE INTIMACY with God as Abba, Jesus and Holy Spirit. It ALL begins with WORSHIP because Jesus is WORTHY! We believe it is POSSIBLE to BECOME ONE with God as we are wrapped up in a Trinitarian EMBRACE!


… we desire TRANSFORMATION (2 Corinthians 3.16-18)

DISCIPLESHIP begins with BEHOLDING Jesus! As we BEHOLD, we BECOME and then we can RELEASE His GLORY in the earth… Beholding Jesus empowers us to SAY YES! to following Him.


… we hear His voice as He SPEAKS to us (1 Samuel 3; John 10.27)

Our heart’s PASSION is to live with Samuel’s words on our lips: Speak Lord, for Your servant is listening! As Jesus reminded us: My sheep hear My Voice, and I know them, and they will FOLLOW ME! We REFUSE to live this life WITHOUT His VOICE! We CRAVE His WORD!


… we pray HIS WORDS back to Him (Isaiah 62; Ezekiel 22.30)

We believe persistent intercession, in accord with His will, yields Kingdom BREAKTHROUGH! See John 14.12-14; 15.7; 16.23 and 1 John 5.13-15! Our calling is to get off the fence (of passivity) and GET ON THE WALL IN THE GAP (as passionate intercessors)! As one great prayer warrior once contended: God governs the universe in partnership with His people through INTERCESSION! Our one and only life CAN make an eternal difference!


… we MEDITATE on the Words released in Zion (Psalm 119.145-152)

Holy Spirit ALWAYS brings revelation and teaches us as we CHEW on the Words that come forth during Live Sets. The fruitful atmosphere of the Prayer Room keeps our FOCUS on Jesus and continually reveals MORE of His beauty to those who gather. Zion is sacred space…


… love empowers us to OBEY Jesus(John 14.15-24)

In a culture that is craving AUTHENTICITY, our passion is to LIVE OUT the abundant life Jesus called us to in His Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7)! There is an intriguing beauty and a powerful witness in a human life that DELIGHTS in OBEDIENCE as EMPOWERED by LOVE!


… devotion to KINGDOM MISSION beyond ZION (Luke 4.18-19)

Zion House of Prayer is all about getting outside the four walls to LOVE the least, the last and the lost – thus our passion for PopUp Churches in the parks around Tampa Bay and BEYOND! We have direct prophetic WORDS from the Lord that motivates FAITHFULNESS – see Matthew 9.35-10.8; Mark 12.28-34; Matthew 28.16-20. But remember – Kingdom FRUITFULNESS always begins in the House of Prayer!


… we want to be FAITHFUL as He is FAITHFUL (1 Corinthians 15.58)

We practice the Words of Jesus in Luke 18.1-8! We cry out for JUSTICE in our broken world! And, we cry out for Psalm 133 and John 17 (verses 21-23) UNITY in Tampa Bay and BEYOND! We persist in intercession that Jesus’ prayer may be answered FULLY and SOON!

In sum, we believe that Zion House of Prayer Live Sets in the Prayer Room are one of God’s greatest tools for SAYING YES! to following Jesus radically. Hence, as our HUNGER and THIRST for Jesus INCREASES, we encourage one another as His disciples to ENJOY (Isaiah 56.7) seasons of TIME in the Prayer House as often as Holy Spirit leads.

Being in the Presence of Love (Jesus) always releases a MANIFESTATION OF LOVE that engages the world around us. There is NO PRESSURE, BUT there are OVERFLOWING OPPORTUNITIES! Come JOIN US @ ZHOP!