PopUp Churches

Kingdom OUTREACH and COMPASSION through PopUps…

Zion House of Prayer has been entrusted to preach the Good News to the poor and overflow with compassion!

At Zion House of Prayer, this is just one more way LOVE ALWAYS WINS!

Encounter with Holy Spirit

Zion House of Prayer had a remarkable encounter with Holy Spirit back in 2018. God began to speak clearly to us about loving the poor in our homeless parks throughout Tampa Bay. We found a clear precedent in Acts 16.11-15…

PopUps in the Park

God spoke to ZHOP and made it clear that it’s OK to gather people outdoors and meet as the ekklesia [church]. So, we launched the Unity Park PopUp on January 6, 2019. Soon we also launched Cheney Park PopUp. Then Kelsey Park PopUp [in West Palm Beach with Daniel and Elizabeth]. Coming Thanksgiving 2023, we will launch Robles Park PopUp [with David and Twila]. Now, we are blessed to support and resource a growing network of PopUps spread across our area [and beyond]. PLEASE JOIN US IN PRAYING FOR MORE!

Leave the Building

This is an amazing Kingdom ministry mobilizing Jesus followers to leave the building and serve people in our community. We serve hot coffee and biscuits [and overflowing kindness]; we pray for each other; we share the Good News about Jesus; we worship together; we listen and love, and we sit around the Lord’s Table together. Everyone has a voice. It is absolutely wonderful [and there is room for YOU]!

Delight in Calling

Zion House of Prayer delights in the calling God has blessed us with for such a time as this


Are YOU called to REACH YOUR CITY through PopUp? WE CAN HELP … let us SERVE YOU! Zion House of Prayer is fully here for HIM and for YOU!

Zion House of Prayer is committed to the Word of God … our PopUp MINISTRY is founded on the following Scriptures:

  • Matthew 9.35-10.8

  • Luke 9.1-6

  • Luke 10.1-12

  • Acts 16.6-15

  • Acts 13.1-4a

  • Matthew 6.25-34

  • Luke 12.22-34

  • Luke 4.18-19

Zion Rhythms


Onsite Opportunities

Teaching Clips

Personal Training

Ongoing Training

Interested? Contact Guy Glass by text at 813-362-0172



Ed Silvoso

Letters to the Church

Francis Chan