Saying YES!

FOLLOWING JESUS as a faithful, fully-devoted, and passionate DISCIPLE… saying YES!

Zion House of Prayer is calling…

Building Family

Zion House of Prayer is all about BUILDING FAMILY… our heart is to be spiritual Moms and Dads raising up spiritual Daughters and Sons to be the NEXT GENERATION of spiritual Moms and Dads … we are a spiritual FAMILY pursuing 4 GENERATIONS of Jesus followers within our family system! (Please reflect on 2 Timothy 2.2 as the NT way of life)

Culture of the Few

Zion House of Prayer is committed to the CULTURE OF THE FEW … discipling followers to disciple followers who disciple other followers and ON AND ON AND ON… We pursue the radical and rampant organic spread of the life-transforming Jesus VIRUS throughout our culture … we believe this NT way will CHANGE OUR WORLD! ZHOP resources our growing disciples through texts, emails, FB, FT, ZOOM, podcasts, books, articles, videos, conferences, personal interaction and MORE…

A Radical YES!

Zion House of Prayer is calling the Church of Tampa Bay to saying a RADICAL YES! to FOLLOWING JESUS … our heart is to SERVE ALL Christ-followers craving a deeper walk of INTIMACY!

Five Fold Office Ministry Gifts

Zion House of Prayer continues to contend for the mature and practical development and praxis of the Five Fold office ministry gifts (A.P.E.S.T.) in our spiritual family and beyond … our passion is to live and minister in a region where the Five Fold are a trans-local REALITY (in the Church of Tampa Bay and especially in Pinellas County). (Please see Ephesians 4.11-16)

Spiritual Family

SHARING THIS JOURNEY OF DISCIPLESHIP TOGETHER AS FAMILY is REAL … ZHOP DISCIPLES SAY YES! to a NEW LIFE! Our calling is to spiritual FAMILY just like the primitive ekklesia (church) in Acts 2.42-27… This new lifestyle has a particular FEEL to it … sharing life in simple church, growing in intimacy in the prayer room, strategic coffees with brothers and sisters (at Ginger Beard Coffee – ha ha!), face-to-face sharing, learning together as we build community, demonstrating the Kingdom in PopUps, pastoring marketplace churches, firepit sharing at Mustard Seed Farm, nourishing our souls TOGETHER at The Table, road trips and car rides, overflowing with LOVE to the least, the last and the lost

Love Always Wins!

SAYING YES! at Zion House of Prayer is just one more way LOVE AWAYS WINS!


Zion House of Prayer is fully here for HIM and for YOU … GROW in SPIRITUAL FRIENDSHIP with US!

Zion House of Prayer is committed to the Word of God … our ministry of saying YES! to radically following Jesus and growing in spiritual friendship is founded on the following Scriptures:

  • The Greats … Matthew 22.34-40 (Great Commandment) and Matthew 28.18-20 (Great Commission)

  • Luke 10.25-37

  • John 15.1-17 (actually John 13-17 is critically important for our spiritual family at ZHOP)

  • Our ONE THING … Psalm 27.4, 7-10, 13-14 and Luke 10.38-42

  • 2 Timothy 2.2

  • Ephesians 4.11-16

  • Acts 2.42-47

Zion Rhythms


Onsite Mentorship

FT Interaction

Zoom Calls

Personal Coaching

Interested? Contact Guy Glass by text at 813-362-0172


Culture of the Few

Brad McKoy


Floyd McClung